The Blog

It’s the WEEEKEND -Grab A Cup Of Coffe

I for one am glad it’s weekend. How about you? Sometimes I find myself moving so quickly in the week, that I literally feel like I am going through the motions. This week has been one of those weeks. I have had something going everyday and the evenings have been busy as well.

When I have weeks like this, I realize I start telling myself some pretty negative messages. Things like, I will never get back on track, I am allowing my feelings to dominate me too much, I am just a failure because I can never get this right, other people don’t get as tired as I do, other people are more organized and on and on..

The truth is I am really hard on myself, and have high expectations and somehow in my mind think no one else struggles with the same thing I do. This is such a lie, and when I am well rested, I recognize this.

Jesus knew that we needed rest, He knew the importance of a Sabbath. May I encourage you, if you aren’t having a regular Sabbath to begin learning how and exploring how you might incorporate this into you life.

I hope to be sharing more of this in the future. Drop a line to me if you would like to learn more.


Here is to a great weekend,

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