The Blog

Quiet Space

Recently, I wrote a blog post on making room for Christ in our life. A first step in that is surrendering our heart and guarding our heart to what we are exposed to. If we think of our heart like a home, we need to quit filling the rooms of our heart with the things we think are right, and allow Christ to fill the rooms of our heart with what HE determines is right.

Today, I’d like to continue with that theme and give us something else to consider. As we remove the debris and clutter of our heart to focus on surrendering to Christ’s plans for our life, it may look different than what we thought or imagined. Honestly, it probably will, and if we just trust and give it to Him open handed, the result will be amazing.

As we clear the debris nad clutter from our lives, Christ’s desire for us would be to create a quiet space where we can fully focus on Him. In today’s world, finding and creating quiet space is difficult. The truth that can be revealed to us in those quiet moments, or even the fear of what might be revealed to us during those quiet times, can be overwhelming if we try to approach it without the Spirit of God leading us.

However, if I am being truthful with myself, it is during those times that I hush the noise of the outside world that I find the greatest victory and communion with Christ. It is there that I find the strength I need to approach the situations I am facing in a Christlike manner. It is also there that I find answers to questions that have been racing through my mind in my busyness. It’s also there that we find rest. The quiet space will do for us what Psalms 23:2-3 talks about… our soul will be refreshed.

So, why are we so afraid of creating a quiet space? The enemy of our soul knows the power of that stillness. Satan knows God meets us in the stillness of our soul. In that stillness, it is there that our Creator seeks to commune with us. One who is open to His presence is exceedingly precious to Him (Zechariah 2:13).

Christ sees our trying to create that quiet space. HE understands that stillness of soul is increasingly rare in this world where we are addicted to noise and speed, but as we practice this discipline, the more we begin to hear the voice of God. He is not disappointed ever with our efforts, and what may seem to us like failed attempts. He is blessed by each of our attempts to seek His face.

May I encourage you today no matter what season you find yourself in, to begin to try to create quiet space for yourself and see what the Lover of your soul has to say to you, His precious child.

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